Thursday, May 29, 2008

Jaydon's Kindergarten Graduation!

Well- this time it is official! Jaydon is heading to the first grade! Today was his graduation and it was really cute.

Our family

Jaydon was so glad daddy could make it.

The whole class after they received their diplomas.
Jaydon after the ceremony- he was so happy!
class of 2020
Jaydon with Mrs. Howe- she is a great teacher.
Jaydon with Nana- we were happy she could be there.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Weekend

This Memorial weekend was filled with fun and family. Jared's sisters' family came from Houston on Friday and stayed until Monday. They have 4 kids and we have three... so here is the breakdown Jaydon 7, Gracie 5, Tanner 4, Janae 3, Caden 2, Jazlynn 1 and Kyler 6 months! If we had a 6 year old we would be set hahaha!!!
On Saturday we went to Extreme Fun for Tanner's Birthday! The kids had a lot of fun running around and being crazy.

Kyler is such a good baby he loves to eat!!

Janae was having a blast! She idolizes her cousin Gracie.

It is so hard to get a picture of Caden- but I got a cute one!!!

Jazlynn was really interested in her PEZ.

Tanner was the birthday boy! He idolizes Jaydon and had alot of fun running around with him.

On Monday, we went swimming at Nana and Papa's house! The kids had so much fun jumping in the pool. All the kids are getting to be pretty good swimmers.

Everyone in the pool.
Kyler doing what he does best... Eating!

Jazlynn is so fearless she was jumping from the hottub into the pool like she was 4 or something and all she uses is arm floaties! She is sooooo funny.
This was the first time that Janae would jump in from the hottub and go all the way under the water.
Jaydon was swimming like a fish.
Jazlynn loves to float on her back.
Jared is the kids personal jungle gym.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Jaydon's Time Trials

This year Jaydon decided that he wanted to do swim team insteadof soccer. Well, he will play soccer in fall after swim is over- Anyways, he is on the Anderson Mill Barracudas and has been having a great time. Last friday was time trials where they swim their strokes and find out a base time so that when they compete they have an idea of what time they need to beat. This team is really great in that they really stress "personal best" as the goal. They want the kids to ultimately swim against themselves and try to get better each and every week.

The girls were being so good considering it was 98 degrees outside.

Here is the whole team getting ready to take the team picture. There are 213 swimmers!

At first Jaydon was not happy about wearing a speedo- but then he said that it made him swim so fast that he loved it!!! He looks so small when he wears it- it cracks me up.

Jaydon is still learing how to do all the strokes and how to breathe properly so he placed towards the end but he had so much fun that he didn't even notice. We know that he will get better and better.

Although he has to swim 6 days a week he absolutely loves it! We hope that this will really make him a great swimmer.

Monday, May 12, 2008

C.J. and Angelica's Wedding

O.K. so I know many of you never even knew I left, but I am now back. On sunday I got a call from my mom saying that my brother was getting married on Thursday- yes, Thursday. So I left at my mom's request on Wednesday afternoon to go and help. The wedding was very emotional as my brother was leaving the next day for his training to get ready to deploy to Iraq. He will be officially deployed in September.

My brother C.J. and his wife Angelica (Angie)

I can't believe that he is married. Doesn't he look good in his uniform?

Angie was a lovely bride. Despite almost faining during the ceremony she was beautiful.

My mom and Dad with the happy couple.

My littlest brother Brandon and his gorlfriend Taylor were both in the wedding. Aren't they cute?
The wedding party.

My family missing my brother and his family in Tennesse. We wish he could have made it but with 4 days notice not all could be there.
Giving that the wedding was planned in 4 days it was a very nice one. All our family and friends that lived close by were there and I was very glad that I could be there to support my family. I wish C.J. and Angelica the best of luck and hope C.J. has a safe deployment in Iraq.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

California Bound

Well I got a call on sunday from my mom... Seems my brother has decided to get married before he goes to Iraq and he has decided to do it on THIS THURSDAY!!! So I am leaving tomorrow and will be there until Sunday. Here is a picture of my brother C.J. and his girlfriend Angelica.

I will see you when I get back and probably will not post until then. I hope everyone has a great mothers day!