Monday, April 13, 2009


You can probably tell by the large number of pictures posted that we had a busy Easter Weekend!!! Saturday we had the church Easter Eggstravaganza and on Sunday we went had a fun morning filled with easter baskets, church and dinner and an egg hunt at Jared's parents house. We had a great time and were trying to stress what Easter is really about. I am so grateful for The Savior's great sacrifice and hope that my children will be grateful for it as well. Easter was fun and the kids looked so cute all dressed up.

Easter Egg Hunt with Nana

Nana is so much fun and set up a scavenger easter egg hunt the kids had a blast!!

All dressed up for church

Our family (I cannot believe how big the kids are getting!)

Mom and her amazing kids!

Nana is so loved by the kids and by us!

my cute, cute kids!

my 35 butterfly cookies I had to make for Primary!

Easter Morning

Church Lunch


Erica said...

Our kids matched on Easter! We should all take a picture of them together at Jaydon's baptism. It looks like you guys had a lot of fun. We missed you guys.

Unknown said...

you and your family look adorable and it looks like you guys had a funtastic easter.Wish we could have participated.