Sunday, December 9, 2007

Toilet Training

This may disturb some of you but... I am soooo SICK of Jaydon peeing all over my bathroom!!!!
So... After waking up and seeing pee everywhere I decided that I would make him clean the toilet himself... With a Toothbrush! At first he thought it was funny...

Then not so much.

In the end I think he got the hint that I do not want my bathroom looking and smelling like an outhouse. I even put a scentsy warmer in there and sometimes it still smells bad. For those of you without kids or boys: someday you might feel my pain. One day we will look back on this and laugh. Wait- I am already laughing.


Heather Guymon said...

Oh man. Being one of five, and three of those five being BOYS, let me tell you...growing up I wanted to pull my hair out. Now that I am married, I STILL want to pull my hair out! I am serious as a heart attack...when we buy a house a freaking urinal is getting installed in A bathroom somewhere! LOL dang boys!

Pics are hilarious by the way ha ha...classic!!!

Julianne said...

That is so great. He is definitely going to remember that day, right? Hope your "training session" worked!

Monson Family said...

That is TOO funny! Boys are so silly that way! I love that you made him clean it with a tooth brush! Yes, not so fun!

Lyndsee Bates said...

That is so funny! You are a mean mom a TOOTH BRUSH!!! That is too funny!!!!!!!! Hopefully he's done peeing all over!!!

Colleen said...

OOOH, those pictures are keepers. Keep up the great work Jaydon. Send him to my house next!

Rachel said...

SO FUNNY! I'm all about making naughty kids do the cleaning! When Caleb started peeing standing up it took me about a week to even figure out what that smell was1 I'm all, yuck, maybe there's mold on the shower curtain, no, no, there's just dried pee on your floor! Ewwww!