Monday, December 17, 2007

New Swingset

Jared's parents bought the kids a swingset for christmas!!! They gave it to them last week and they were sooo excited.
It was wrapped and sitting in our playroom and the kids were dying to open it- but we made them wait until nana and papa came. After they opened it they wanted it up immediately- hahaha after 3 days of working on it jared and i were happy that it was done and the kids absolutely love it!!!

Crazy girls on the swings- this is janae's favorite part.

jazlyjnn was knocked over by the swing about 6 times within the first 10 minutes- hopefully she will learn NOT to walk in front of the swing.

Janae LOVES to swing.

Jaydon (yes this is him) decided that it was so cold that he needed a ski mask to do the monkey bars.

The monkey bars are jaydon's favorite part.
Thank you Nana and Papa for spoiling our kids!!! They will have such a blast with their present (and so will the rest of the neighborhood).

Little Bethlehem in Burnet

Yesterday we went to Burnet to see "Little Bethlehem" with Jared's mom and the Bontrager Family. I forgot my camera (ugggh) so all these pictures are courtesy of Colleen. It was pretty cold but it was sooo fun to get to share with the kids the "true meaning" of Christmas and the kids were really looking forward to it after remembering last years trip. Cheryl was really amazed at how real it really seems. It is a live depiction of Bethlehem at the time of Jesus Christ's birth. It is really interesting to see the people, food and events that went on.

Janae loved the chicken, she really likes animals.

Jared gives Jazlynn a foot ride.

mom and jazlynn try to stay warm

Jaydon is sooo cute.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Gingerbread Fun!

On saturday night The Bontragers came over for dinner and after we each decorated a gingerbread house. Ours in on the right- the kids had a great time but we were afraid that they were going to get sick because of how much candy they ate! The dads ended up doing alot of the work and the kids helped a little and ate alot. We had fun and then ventured out to see some local christmas lights. It was a fun night.
Jazlynn just wanted candy

Jaydon is very proud of the house.

Janae likes candy.

Jared helps the kids with the "structural work"

my cute kids just hanging out together

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Wrestle with Daddy!

How cute is my family? I love how the kids are with Jared. He sometimes says that 3 kids are too much to handle but he is really good with them. Even Jazlynn was saying "UP" because she wanted to be part of the wrestling.
All of my family having a great time jumping on daddy!

Toilet Training

This may disturb some of you but... I am soooo SICK of Jaydon peeing all over my bathroom!!!!
So... After waking up and seeing pee everywhere I decided that I would make him clean the toilet himself... With a Toothbrush! At first he thought it was funny...

Then not so much.

In the end I think he got the hint that I do not want my bathroom looking and smelling like an outhouse. I even put a scentsy warmer in there and sometimes it still smells bad. For those of you without kids or boys: someday you might feel my pain. One day we will look back on this and laugh. Wait- I am already laughing.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Adventures with Cody the Cat

Janae thought that Cody was a baby doll!
What can you say? The cutest picture ever!!

Janae pretty much held him as much as she could if he wasn't used to kids before he is now!!

Jazlynn loved Cody and he was such a good sport. She walked around the house saying "NO" everytime she saw him it was so funny!

Daddy can we have a cat? Sorry kids you'll just have to play with Cody. Jared is not a cat guy.

We watched Janae and Dave's cat Cody for a couple days while they were away and the kids think it is so much fun! The cat has been such a good sport with the kids and even though he has been tugged and pulled in a million different directions he still comes around them and wants to play with them. It has been so fun watching the kids play and cuddle with him, he has been loved while they are away.

Hook 'Em Horns!!!

Last saturday we watched the Bontrager kids and they are our childrens best friends! They all sat on the couch to watch t.v. and I had to get a picture of them. You think that 6 kids 6 and under would be totally crazy but they get along so well that it is so much fun!
Our little cheerleader!

Auntie Nae Nae and Uncle Dave bought Jazlynn the cutest Longhorns Cheerleader outfit and she looked so cute in it! The other kids were trying to get Jazlynn to do "Hook 'em Horns" with her hands but she just laughed at them!

Jaydon's Thanksgiving Lunch

On Friday November 16 Jazlynn and I went to Jaydon's school for his Thanksgiving lunch. He looked so cute in his Indian costume and his name was "blue eyes" so appropriate. We had a good time eating lunch with him and hw was sad to see us leave.
Blue Eyes (Jaydon)

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Family Pictures

Colleen was so kind to take some pictures of our family for us and I must say... I think they turned out SO cute! We went to The Remembrance Gardens in Austin and it was beautiful. Thanks Colleen we owe you one!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Growing so fast!

Gotta have pics with a cow right???
Here's for you mom and dad!
This shows Janae's personality!
She is my mini me (poor girl)

I never realized how much these two look alike until i saw this picture!
They are their daddies mini me's! How cute!

Jazlynn loves her rubber duckies and we love her!
Where did my baby go??

So I have decided that the more kids you have the faster they grow. It is really the most sad thing to I look at my beautiful kids and want to cry when I see how big they are. Each of my children have the most special unique spirits and personalities. It has taken me some time to realize that they are their own people and we have to embrace their stregnths AND weaknesses. As challenging as it is being their mother it is absolutely the best job ever!!! Here are some random pictures of the kids for all their fans. We are so grateful to have such wonderful friends and family. So... take a look at my crazy kids, cause from crazy parents come crazy kids right???

Monday, October 29, 2007

Halloween Trunk or Treat!!!

Our Family
Three crazy kids

Daddy loves his kids

Little Ladybug

Busy Bee

Frightfull Firefighter

The kids had a great time at our church's Trunk or Treat. There was games and food and after the party the kids got to go grom car to car getting candy. Janae really got the hang of it and by now Jaydon is a pro. Jaydon was a fireman, Janae was a bee and Jazlynn was a ladybug. Although they were tired they couldn't wait to bust into the candy. Now all the kids can talk about is trick or treating on Halloween night. They are really excited!