Monday, October 25, 2010

Back on the Saddle/June 2010

Ok... I have been a slacker.... I admit it. Well I am determined to get back on the saddle and get my blog going again! So the next few posts are going to be of previous months but I have to get it done!
Janae's Kindergarten Graduation June 2010
Janae was in Mrs. Howe's class and had a great year in Kindergarten! She made so many new friends and really did well!

The theme was "Reach for the Stars"

Here is her classes' stars

BFF's Brooklyn and Janae

Mommy and Janae

Lauren, Brooklyn, Barbara and Janae

Mrs. Howe's 2009-2010 Class

1 comment:

Erica said...

Congratulations Janae!!!